Desperately seeking

By clickychick

A Choice Place

This would seem to be the ideal place in our garden for sunbathing! Three days ago I blipped a song thrush in this very spot in this very pose. Today it was a female blackbird.

A day when we didn't do much. Both of us are very tired. I lazed about on the sofa doing puzzles.  I started doing Wordle a while ago, I've done nearly 1,000 but last month a friend came to stay and introduced me to another NYT game, Connections. I was hooked!

At Christmas our grandson told me I should have the NYT app to make it easier to get the games. The time had now come to install it.

So today, I did Wordle in 2, found all the words in Spelling Bee, did the Connections with no mistakes, got Strands with no clues, managed the Letter Boxed, did the Mini crossword AND finished the main Crossword. The main one is more difficult than it sounds as it's based on US brands, actors, TV shows, etc. It also doesn't tell you how many words make up the answer or give you the number of letters in each.

I must be on better form!

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