Tiny ........
............ Tuesday511 (TT511) - and also, I believe, my 5,000th blip.
We all know how fabulous this site is so I won't wax lyrical ......
I learnt today, however, that photographing jewellery is an art (one I'm not very good at) - a lot of weird reflections as I tried to get natural light - 50+ photos later I gave up and this is what you get.
About: I'm not one for fancy jewellery - day to day nothing, going out maybe a silver necklace or ring - however I have always loved aquamarines (and diamonds are my birthstone) and Himself splashed out some 35 years ago to buy me these - especially made and there is also a ring that makes up the set of four (trying to photograph the ring as well?? A nightmare so you'll have to take my word for it!!).
We used to go to a lot of "posh" functions when he was in the Army, Officers' Mess and Sgts' Mess dinners, Christmas Balls and the like - long dresses for ladies, mess kit for gentlemen - so "the family jewels" as they are known, got a lot of outings - these days, not so much and they sit in their original case locked in the safe. A shame, really, as I think they are beautiful.
Anyhoo - 5,000 down without a day missed (often late but never missed) - wonder how many more I will manage?? In thirteen point six nine years (another 5,000) I won't be far off ninety - gadzooks, that's a terrifying thought! If I'm still breathing and can still hold a camera I reckon I'll be here - hopefully.
Thank you to everyone involved with blip, for the images, for the comments, the stars, the hearts, the organisation, the entries into FlowerFriday but, mostly, for the love.
~ Anni ~
This is Tuesday uploaded on Wednesday morning - and thanks to jensphotos for hosting with the optional challenge of 'mineral'.
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