
By EvelyneNC

Parrot tulip

I once had three different kinds in my yard and many. When I moved I tried to find the few that were still alive and took them with me to the new house. 5 were promising to bloom, and when the rat started to cut off the buds, I took the pots inside. I am glad I did as now I enjoy the whimsical shapes and soft colors every day many times.

A cold but dry day. Finally got my new printer hooked up to the Internet.

A long call with our broker as Trumps messing with our economy has diminished our savings by 5% so far.
And I am sure that that is not the end of the misery.
Dentist helped and filled 2 cavities. He worked 45 minutes and took 450 $ for it. I wonder whether that is the new rule. 10$ per minute??

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