One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Chainsaw massacre

Make way! Make way for the Green Way! 
DLRCOCO are building a massive new segregated cycle track network in the vicinity of Kill Avenue. 
It's one giant massive mess at Baker's Corner. Cars and buses stuck for up to half an hour before they can get through. But the two years of pain will reap massive benefits. People will commute by bike in their droves. 
Hundreds of thousands of happy cyclists will don their heavy duty wets on a Monday morning, to brave the horizontal rain that is not so infrequent in the Irish winter (5th September to 12th May). Yeah roight... 
It's not as if the COCO didn't have a chance to closely monitor the 14 cyclists who already use daily (except when it rains) the already segregated cycle track between Baker's Corner and Deansgrange, you know, the one where the fire engines get stuck because cars can't move out of their way because of the... segregated bicycle lanes. 

As for the venerable old (and healthy) chestnut trees that are in the way of progress, chop the fuckers down! Make way for the Green Active Travel network. 

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