Tiny Tuesday
The theme for the challenge being Mineral I went straight to my fossils and chose the tiniest - then thought I should include an identification, realised that I don't have one, so had to reject it.
Instead, here is an earring set with Blue John, not bought on our recent visit but many years ago, from Castleton in Derbyshire. As we know, Blue John occurs only in that area and is a rare form of the mineral fluorite - the colours include a yellow tint as well as the purple and white. It is not clear what causes these colour variations, which are unique to this particular location.
For the photo I rested a single earring, measuring 1.1 x 0.9 cm, on a large scallop shell (which did not successfully support the pair) with some back-lighting to emphasise the banding. The grey line down the middle is the earring post.
I hope you like it, thanks to Jensphotos for hosting the challenge.
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