Four ambulance day
My last blip on Feb 20th said mum had gone to A&E.
In the following days she deteriorated and on the 26th we had a home GP visit and he told me to take her into A&E again with a note from him because that would be quicker than waiting for an ambulance.
She was admitted to the frailty unit overnight and eventually agreed to virtual ward treatment at home with nurses and carers.
To be fair I think she has improved faster than being stuck in hospital.
Which brings me to 10th March…
At 04:30 mum phoned there was a pool of blood from dad’s wound – and that was through multi-layers of dressings put on by community nurses.
The ambulance (no.1) came within 5 minutes of me calling 999 and agreed that they couldn’t risk removing the dressing so off to A&E.
I sat in the treatment cubicle with him until 09:00 when they agreed he was stable enough to be transported home in an ambulance (No.2).
I spent the day pottering in the garden and driving to mum and dad’s to check on them and deal with the virtual ward nurse and mum’s occupational therapist (as well as the carers).
Feeling like I really needed an early night I settled down to watch junk TV. At 19:15 a friend texted to ask about a mutual friend (A) who hadn’t shown up for a coffee date.
What I never blipped was in December 2022 that friend didn’t show up for coffee with me. I had a terrible night and went round to her home. Long story short with her neighbour’s help we got the police out to break into her home and she had been on the floor near her stairs for 60 hours. The paramedics said if I had left it longer the outcome would probably have been fatal (she has no close family – cousins in France).
After that as well as the key safe I now hold keys and much though I needed sleep I drove over (6 miles) and let myself in (Keith was worried and turned up 10 minutes later). This time she had slipped out of bed, pulled some furniture over and had been there for maybe 48 hours.
I rang 999 and probably 15 minutes the paramedics arrived (No.3). Knowing she was safe Keith went home – his wife is on crutches.
After a lot of trying the paramedics could not get (A) stable enough to use the evac-chair so plan B extraction was needed and another crew arrived (No.4). If you have ever seen a mountain rescue with a “big bag” that’s what happened – (A) was carried downstairs in a bag.
So basically, I haven’t been blipping because life is boring – there’s actually too much going on.
The blip is ambulances No.3 and No.4 as the crew did the extraction upstairs (I was staying out of the way.
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