
By KatesGardenPDX

Carnivorous Plants

I had such a fun afternoon visiting a friend of mine who grows and hybridizes carnivorous plants. He's downsizing though, and doesn't have nearly as many plants as he used to - he's working on his master's degree right now. I reached out to him a couple of days ago asking him to teach me how to repot the carnivorous plants that I have. I've gotten several from him over the years. So we had a grand time catching up and talking plants and getting our hands dirty!

The main is a shot of a Sarracenia that I got from him several years ago. We potted up three others, plus my Venus Fly Trap. He selected a couple others that he thought I MUST have ;-) I must admit I'm quite captivated by these strange creatures. I've put several macro shots of my plants from this past summer (posted previously) just so you can enjoy seeing the details!

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