simple moments

By simplemoments





having fresh flowers in - the house just seems to bring - a brightness to everything - and helps with adding - positivity to your attitude - well certainly to mine - as i continue to - deal with my leg and recovery - taking the sleeve bandage - off this weekend revealed - some of the swelling - has reduced as well as - the bruising which surprised me - the bruising has faded a - bit off my lower leg - which i can only assume - is because i have - the whole leg bandage on - perhaps that has helped - with the internal bleeding - whatever the case - i will take it

i have also had visits - from a few friends - assisting with some daily - tasks for me - it makes me very grateful - for those whom abba has - put in my life - who don’t hesitate to - lend a hand - i hope you all have those individuals - in your lives - they make a difference - as well as insuring we have…


happy day…..

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