OK . . . so today was another Jolly Boys Mystery £10 Rail Tour . . . on Northern Rail. Following the usual rules, over 10 hours for the journey. 8 hours actually on the move and a few side steps on the way. Two Strava counts need to be double checked . . . so close to a new record. Will confirm or deny tomorrow.
If only things had gone to plan . . . amongst the train messages announced today . . .
Trains are running slowly due to defective track
Trains are delayed due to more trains being repaired today
Delays are due to signalling problems from Leeds
Doors in this carriage will not open
There are no toilet facilities on this train... please use the facilities at each station stop, where we will allow you 5 minutes toilet time . . . which led to . . . this train has been delayed so long, it will now terminate at Preston.
Blips show Bridlington Station . . . our starting point . . . Preston Station . . . and a little bit of rock to show where we ended up. Exhausted now . . . need some zzzzzzzz
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