Out and about
I meet with KK first thing and we walked (and talked) our way up to Moulin, down to the Cuilc, past the boating shed, over the aluminum bridge, along the far side of Loch Faskally, past the theatre and over the Aldour Bridge before heading home. It was just over 4 miles and it was really nice chatting as we walked.
There were lots of ducks at the boating sheds including two large brown ones which seem to Khaki Campbells as far as I can tell - these are not wild breed so have presumably escaped.
Back home I proof read my assignment for one last time and handed it in. I tried a new tactic this time when proofing - putting my typed text into the text-to-speech reader and then listening to it. It helped in identifying a few mistakes that I hadn't spotted when just reading.
I then went to u3a craft which I really enjoyed - we were stamping flower outlines onto wood and card to make coasters and cards and then colouring the outlines in. Really therapeutic and a good contrast to thinking about the perfect and pluperfect tenses !
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