
By Susanna


The summer theatre of Sappee changed their show indoors tonight due of rain and thunder. The musical tells about one of the greatest finnish musician, Juice Leskinen.

One of the most loved songs is this: Syksyn sävel, Autumn melody

Autumn melody

The street gets filled with steps
Living, it is dying
Put your hand in mine, let's be quiet
Ask me [to come] for a morning tea
Water the dried [plant ~ man]
It's August, and I am grain [~ready for harvest]

It's not joy I cry for, not sorrow I cry for
If I cry, it's just for the sake of it
I'll be elsewhere before you notice it [at all]

I loved her a lot
You, I sometimes love even more
But [please] be her, for me, for a while

Take me in your dreams
Though i get on other trains
It is October, and you can see it on me

When I come close [attached] to you
even gods believe in me
though I myself, I don't always do

It's not joy I cry for, not sorrow I cry for
If I cry, it's just for the sake of it
I'll be elsewhere before you notice it [at all]

I loved her a lot
You, I sometimes love even more
But [please] be her, for me, for a while


I have seen Juice in his show as I was young in 1990's, I think, in his late years.... Juice had very intellectual lyrics in his songs. . A great artist writing songs about finnish way of life.

Lovely night!


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