secret garden

By freespiral

Bin Day ...

... and one left behind!
I wrestled with the passport application again this morning and it absolutely did my head in. The photo passed this time, Himself having  contacted an online company who make photos acceptable for this kind of thing and they did what was necessary. Talk about a mug shot - I look like an elderly hooligan. After a myriad of form filling, document findings and a visit to the Garda, it has gone off. I went for a walk around the circuit after all that - the water luminous and still.
Still feeling pretty tired and floaty but my brother kindly sent us a DVD of Wolf Hall, including the Mirror and the Light and we are lapping it up. Sumptuously lit, incredibly well acted and gorgeous music - Mark Rylance conveys so much by doing so little. I  reckon I might have to re-read the Trilogy - come on Paula!!!
Some of the music here

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