Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Cetti's Warbler #35

Another beautiful morning before it turns cold again. We went to Marbury Park for the first time in about 3 years I think and it was all about the little brown jobs today (LBJs). 
We started off with plenty of dunnocks and blue tits in front of the hide by Budworth Mere followed by this noisy Cetti's Warbler. They are often heard belting out their song, but do a lot of skulking around in the grass or reeds as they're quite shy. It was good to get a clear shot of it for a change. 
We were actually hoping for a flash from the kingfisher or a bittern sighting, but neither were playing out today. There were quite a few great crested grebes out on the water, but at some distance. No weed dancing going on, so I reckon that the females are all on eggs by now and it's the males that we were seeing. 
We also saw a nice little wren and a resting reed bunting, before spotting a rather acrobatic goldcrest in the woods (extras).
A thoroughly enjoyable morning. 

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