Old boundary
What a gift of a day! The sky was blue and patterned with such interesting cloud formations, the air was warm with not a trace of chill in the breeze and the birds were singing their hearts out. While out walking with Bertie, enjoying the beauty around us, I took a closer look at this drystone wall that I had noticed before but never really given much thought to it. Today, I thought about what purpose it might have served in the past. It obviously doesn’t have much purpose now as it has been allowed to fall down, although its route up and down slopes is still visible. Imagine the hard work involved in producing this structure, hewing the rock, turning it into the required size and shape, carrying all these stones across the countryside to produce this substantial boundary, and many others like it all over the island. Yet now it is a shadow of its former self, without purpose. I felt quite sad for the people, now long gone, who had put so much effort into its construction.
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