
By isbi

MonoMonday: Left Behind

It’s been a big day.
First I had to go to Katoomba for a routine blood test then we headed west to have lunch with old friends near Bathurst.

Next on to Cowra, an hour and a half south, to the races. Our mare Good Time Nellie (aka Addie) was having a barrier trial to re-qualify her to resume racing after two and a half years in the paddock. She shouldn’t have been out for so long but various things (collapsed roads, human medical issues, general slackness) prevented us getting her back to the track. At six years old we aren’t optimistic she will do any good but it’s worth a go. She easily passed the trial so we will be looking for a real race in a few weeks.

The two gentlemen in the blip left everyone one else at the course behind in the fashion stakes. (It was not a posh meeting.)
Thanks for hosting this week LesleyAlsford.

Finally we visited my cousin Maureen and Bob for dinner.

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