
By BernardYoung

the god of small things

i get in touch with the god of small things.
i say
‘hey, god of small things,
is it ok if i lounge around today.
i'm content to let the world whizz by,
it can get on with its business
while i drink tea
and play my favourite guitar –
a yamaha msg standard
if you’re interested in minor details
(i know you are).
i’ll probably glance out the window at the sea
but won’t go down to it.
a slow selfish day is my desire.
oh, and is it also ok
if i turn the volume up a bit.
i won’t disturb the neighbours for long.’

‘sure kid,’ says the god of small things.
‘that would be cool.
and don’t worry about the neighbours,
some of them still listen to me.
i'll have a word.
i can send them away if you like.
today is your day. Enjoy.’

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