From Capstone Hill
Still not feeling 100% today, but we had a really good sleep, and after another restful morning, we got out for a walk down to the seafront. Very beautiful it was, too. We walked up onto Capstone on the way back - always great views from up there.
Popped in at Lidl on the way home and bought a new plant for our dining room (after our very healthy looking monstera inexplicably died all of a sudden - fingers crossed for this one....)
In the afternoon, we had a proper think about the kitchen layout, and worked out where everything should go - and then Tim emailed it all through to Ray (who came to give us a consultation the other day).
Looked out of the window this evening and saw a tree on fire across the valley. It looked very much as though someone's bonfire had got out of control. Oops (and poor tree).
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