Close Encounters of the Giraffe Kind

Our second day in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, and today we went on a different kind of "safari" -- where we got to walk out into the bush to meet giraffes.

It was quite exciting to drive out in the Land Rovers in search of giraffes.  Eventually we spotted a group of them way up a steep hillside, grazing from the tops of the trees.  Out we clambered, and up we scrambled through thickets of thorny acacia bushes and prickly pears until we reached the top where three lovely giraffes were calmly snacking. 

We were able to approach to within about 20 yards of them, and just stood in awe as they ignored us and continued to eat.  Later on, we encountered another group, and the rest of our Land Rover leapt out to get a closer view on foot.  We opted to stay with the vehicle (my arthritic knee was feeling the effects of the previous uphill scramble), and honestly I think we got the better view!  Here are all the others taking photos, while we enjoyed a lovely peaceful few minutes up above in the Land Rover, listening to the birdsong and enjoying the cool breezes!

Extra:  We two with two of our newest friends!

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