I missed the Blackbird, so you have a Blue Tit instead!
I had a rotten night woke at 3am and couldn’t get back to sleep so gave in and got up, made a cuppa and caught up with some tele and my book, nodding off here and there. Fully up and dressed by 7.30 I got on with jobs and then a nice relax in the garden. Lovely when the sun came up but not quite as warm as yesterday.
‘Matilda’ (caravan) is off for her annual service early tomorrow morning so we went to her storage and got her ready for the short journey to the Service Garage. All the salt containers I had filled up twice over the last 4 months have done a good job and there was no smell or sign of damp anywhere, often a hazard with an old caravan. Hope she passes with flying colours tomorrow. We’re looking forward to getting out and about in her again soon. So far, 3 Trips planned and booked.
Extra: A beautiful Camelia bush on the way back from ‘Matilda’s’ storage.
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