Alison forgot to get the PA out so Bob was enlisted to do the briefing on account of his loud voice.
I was walking the course today and hoped for an uneventful stroll in the spring sunshine. Unluckily, I had to deal with a large moving vehicle and a tailwalker who took the wrong route during the event and speak to someone about uintentionally upsetting another participant afterwards.
A regular in her 80's had taken the wrong route (on our alternate course) and cut off a decent junk, unknowlingly overtaking several people. Later, believing that she'd overtaken 2 people who were walking she commented that they must be really slow or have stopped for coffee. It was said in jest but, I was told by another volunteer, it really upset one of them who was seen sobbing shortly after.
I hope that both of them are OK. I told the speaker I was asking about it only to understand what had happened as I wanted the event to be a positive experience for everyone and that we've all experienced times when things come our or land wrong.
It wasn't really the parkrun experience I'd have liked
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