
By kaja333

Spend time with the ones you love...

...because you never know how much time you have together.

We took Gizzmo all the way to the sea yesterday as the weather turned warm and not windy for a day. He enjoyed it so much to walk on the 'wild' grass with twigs and leaves and moss, to walk on the dirt and to sniff the sea. He was alert and full of happy hugs and excited.

Gizzmo has a stomach lymphoma with a secondary tumour in a gut lymph node... he is not in pain just now and still able to eat his fav foods and do what he wants to do, but we don't know how long we have together because there's also fluid gathering where it shouldn't. I am not ready to lose my forever kitten, my hug monster, my clever laid back wee dude.

Hug your pets and your humans today, fellow blippers. Life is unpredictable and cancer hits unexpectedly. 

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