Autumn Blossoms
There isn't many flowers on the tree, but enough. This little treasure flowers three times a year, most prolifically in Spring. The other times are now and June.
A pleasant Sunday, an indoor day watching golf and rugby.
I wasn't a couch potato though, I've edited day 5 of our China trip - yes, a long time ago like July 2009 - back then I wasn't much of a photographer and Doug had a camera as well, so has taken me a while to sift through and edit what I will use for the Blurb book. A real variety of images, city, architecture, streets, mountains, tramping, gardens, temples.....I could go on. Just two destinations - Shanghai and Huangshan Mountains. China was an add on after our trip to Croatia and the Italian Lakes as Air NZ flight path was Milan, Shanghai, Auckland… seems an opportunity to have a taste of China. I made Croatia and Italian Lakes photo books but never got around to doing China…(so wish I had).
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