Now That I've Got the Macro Out....
It makes it so much easier to dive back into taking photos of flowers! I bought this bunch of tulips earlier this week - what a luscious color, don't you think?
My granddaughter and I had so much fun last night - we ordered Mexican take out food and played many games of Uno. We bought a deck of HUGE Uno cards at Target - not really entirely sure why they're so large, but it added a whole 'nother level of laughter to the game. So much fun!
After I took her home midday I dove into all sorts of things that I needed to catch up on, including drilling drainage holes in my new pots for the back deck. My big ceramic one disintegrated this winter - it had a crack and I knew that water would get in and freeze and that would be the end of that. Tomorrow I'll move the hardy fuchsia, which I think is still alive, from the old broken pot to the new one.
Daylight savings time starts tonight here in the US. That will screw us up for a while, but I do love the light in the evenings!
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