
By tookie

Lungwort-/ Happy International Women’s Day!!!

Interesting name I’ve always thought and it’s one of the first to bloom in our front yard. So it’s a day later for flower Friday, but it’s a beauty. I’m being pretty careful for a few days until I heal up from my two falls. Pretty much decided the reason I fell both times had to do with my vision. I just got new glasses post cateract surgery on the left eye. They seem fine but I accidentally sat on them —- didn’t realize if skewed them up as badly as I had. My masseuse who was working on my messed up body said my glasses seemed off kilter. I took them in for adjustments and they said the same thing. They were causing a vision and depth of field problem which we think caused the two in a row falls. I see my pc Monday too and I still want help with the neuropathy in my feet. So hopefully I can be on the mend and slowly walk safely once again. I’ll need to rehab both shoulders now !!
Thanks for many asking how I’m doing. I’ve been tub soaking and generally taking it easy. Tonight grandson Z isvcoming over to escape his sister M’s girl’s overnighted at his place lol.
Happy International Women’s Day ! We do hold up half the sky:)

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