After the massacre
A good day today - 15 degrees! I hauled the staging out of the greenhouse and cut enough slats to finish the top. Once I’ve nailed these on top the construction will be finished, then it’ll be ready for a coating of wood preservative. That will be for another day though so I had to push it back in to the greenhouse as I was going to a talk after lunch.
This was a lecture at the Rockfield Centre by archaeologist Derek Alexander, a friend and colleague from my National Trust for Scotland days; one of his slides is my Blip today. Derek was talking about recent excavations in Glencoe on the sites of a number of the settlements along the Glen. Many people think that the massacre took place in the current village site, but back in 1692 there were settlements along the length of the Glen and these were destroyed by fire after the killings. A fascinating lecture - in another life I would like to have been an archaeologist!
A good turnout and nice tea and cakes afterwards! A warm slog up the hill, with a brief stop for a chat with a friend.
Quote of the day: ‘You are hereby ordered to fall upon the rebells, the McDonalds of Glenco, and put all to the sword under seventy.’ - King William III.
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