Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

X Marks the Spot

Marking till late afternoon. I think it’s going to be impossible to meet my target on this project, never mind balance my marking across 8 tasks! I think it’s a result of markers in a different time zone to mine having an advantage of the availability of tests released onto the platform, meaning that tests in this region usually run out at 2pm each day and no tests at weekends. Sharing this information at the start of the project would really help markers to plan their time and even decide if they wanted to do it. Mind you, these big projects tend to have a life of their own, which may be difficult to predict!

Olives and crisps in my wee favourite place next to the Opera House late afternoon. They play great music and I used Shazam a few times and added the tracks to my Shazam playlist on Spotify. By the time it was time to meet Bb, it was chucking it down and we met at a mid-point. After a false start, we fell back to one of our regulars, Los Amigos, and we shared a roasted pepper and tuna salad and scrambled eggs with prawns and mushrooms. It’s a no frills, local place, family run and we like it. And an easy 5 mins walk back to the pension.

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