This reflects my state of mind at present. The simple solution would be to 'go gently into that good night'. Yes, not in a good place right now. Not depressed, just pissed off, disillusioned, and ANGRY!
Stop the fucking world I want to get off!
So, here we are, almost a year after the election. We were promised 'change'. So, where is this 'change'? When are we going to get this 'change'? All I am seeing at present is the same old same old, more of the same, cuts, freebies, sleaze, corruption etc. etc.. The first thing this bunch of clowns did was hit those who could least afford it with a big stick (winter fuel allowance cut). They have probably never heard the (I think Marx) saying 'from those according to their means, to those according to their needs'. A good philosophy for life methinks. Simple solution. Go after the wealthy/ultra wealthy who pay their weasles lawyers shitloads of money to enable their tax evasion practices. Close the loopholes, make them pay their fair share. Never going to happen! Politicians want their donations too badly for that. (Political parties should be state funded with no external donations whatever. Only saying.) The argument is that if we go after them they will leave the country. Fine, they make good use of the services that 'our' taxes pay for without making a fair contribution. So let these leeches go and find another slimy pond to reside in. While we're at it we can force all of the multinationals to pay their fair share as well. If they don't like it we could inform them that they really don't have the option to do buisness here.
And all that before I even begin to think about the shite going on in the rest of the world.
IMHO the best thing that could happen to this wee planet is the extinction of the human race.
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