Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Three silly things

I walked down Macquarie Pier/breakwall again today.  No surfing in the harbour (which is silly in my view) but there were three surfers on the ocean side in those large and choppy seas.   Silly to be out there in the first place but then this one decided to do a handstand on the wave.  You can imagine what happened next.  That's pretty silly.

The first extra is a woman who was waving and riding her dog.  Well okay, she wasn't really but it looked like it.  That's pretty silly.

The second extra is some boys who were dismantling the breakwall while their father had his nose in his phone.  That's pretty silly.

And the last is an Osprey who did a fly past.  I haven't seen an Osprey in that area for a while.

Happy silly Saturday and thanks for hosting davidc.

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