Progress(?) Report.
On a whim; partly due to being able to, occasionally, feel it / be aware of it; I thought I'd take another shot.
T B H it's part progress report and part reminder. I found a sort of Hand-out from around the start of the exercise.
I shall, as some say, - "cut to the chase".
Part three, of four, tells me I'll either be contacted by the Hospital to tell me it's benign - NO
Contacted by Hospital to arrange a further appointment within 2 weeks - NO - BUT
It also says - "If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks, please phone Number (1) or number (2) for further assistance".
Ah well, it'll give me something to do for a few minutes since I can't drive for two weeks even to shop; NOT that I need to, as I have the offer of a chauffeur if required.
For Comparison with last seeing.
A check reminds me that the last photo was damnear six months ago - SO - the next will be either in six month time or, like the Fire Service, as a "Quarterly Test". Technically you can't an either/or of three; but the third "or" is after they've "excised" it.
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