
By Teasel

The Bass Rock

Another very quiet day, as I adapt to my hip trouble. I mainly pottered around in the house all morning. I read some of my book, but was mostly too uncomfortable to concentrate. I did a couple of loads of washing, and got TT to hang them out. I also baked a chocolate cake for BB to take back to University with him.

After lunch TT wanted to go over to North Berwick for a couple of things from the hardware shop. He therefore suggested a wee walk, do I went with him. We walked down the Glen, then along the front. The tide was too high to walk in the beach, so we stayed on the road, which was probably a good thing for me. Our walk was very slow! We bumped i to a couple of friends who were walking in the opposite direction to us, and were disappointed at the lack of beach. TT bought what he needed, and we then headed to the supermarket for a few bits and pieces, before heading home.

I enjoyed a gin and tonic, and made some coleslaw to go with tea. The rest of the evening just disappeared.

This is a view to the Bass Rock.

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