Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Future Flowers...

Usually by now my miniature irises are in full bloom but since our winter has been so unusually cold, they are barely poking the heads of greenery out of the ground right now.  Even the daffodils are way behind schedule when it comes to how far out of the ground they are.  These are near the foundation of the house where they gain some residual warmth; but even so, they are less than 6 inches above ground.  Still, there they are, all green and whispering songs of spring.  And since I was lacking photographic inspiration today...I give you future flowers.

I had a great yoga session this morning and Peg joined me in the virtual studio too which was fun.  We always compare notes via text at the end of the hour and the verdict was that today was more difficult than usual but equally great.  My aging body really likes yoga.  

It is a gloriously sunny day but the winds are gusting to 40 MPH so it really isn't that enjoyable outside.  

I was looking back at my blip journal for last year and see that I photographed my first honey bee on the 8th last year.  Since nothing is blooming yet, I doubt that I'll see one this year for a few more weeks, but I'll be keeping watch.  I can't wait to start photographing insects again!


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