
By strawhouse

Early morning

It was all looking very pretty at the car boot sale this morning!
I got quite a bit of stuff which was good. It was just me and Miss L as Mr K was off at some techy event in Cambridge with his friend Mr D. Rather than walking miles back and forth to the car when my bags were full, I left one with a man I bought loads off. Of course I couldn’t remember where it was because I’m so bad at remembering faces.
And cars.
And where things are!
But we found it eventually!
I spent the rest of the day listing things. The sun meant I could actually photograph it all. And make a dent in stuff that’s been hanging on a rack since Autumn. Can’t sell it if it’s not listed!
I took Miss L over to Mr O’s house tonight. They live about twenty minutes away.
She went to the pub with his family to see a friend’s band. It was the first time she’s been to his house and met his family properly.
She had fun’
She was still playing pool with Mr O’s dad at 11.30pm. Not very well apparently!!!

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