Jukka's Log

By jukkakos

In the exhibition

After work, I did my Friday art tour in two local galleries. Today's photo is from the Lappeenranta Art Museum, where Harri Pälviranta's photography exhibition Border Fence Tourist was opened.

Between 2016 and 2024, he traveled to photograph border fences and walls in thirteen countries on five continents. The main character in the series is a white, middle-aged male traveler, a wall tourist, who is particularly interested in tense destinations. 

On his travels, he seeks not only information and experiences, but also adventures. Through his travels, he has not only witnessed with his own eyes the existence, quality and nature of fences and walls, but also begun to reflect more deeply on the reasons for their construction, the consequences and the discussions and justifications generally associated with border construction. In the discussions, as well as in the fences and walls themselves, he is fascinated by their repetition and the administrative use of power.

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