My day

By 59


It’s Friday so I picked some flowers. Roxanne geranium, dahlia and Chicago Peace rose.

We had a lovely day out with isbi and isbiJG. The latter is interested in railways so we went to the local museum. This one doesn’t have rolling stock but a large model railway depicting the line between Tarana and Bathurst (in great detail) and a lot of information about the people from the railway era. It is only 2 blocks from our place so we go along once a year to check it out. IsbiJG shouted us lunch then we went to a shop we were interested in. We were chauffeurs as their vehicle was in for a service.

After they left I cooked dinner for 6 and came over to mind the 3 younger boys. It’s easier to bring dinner than cook in a strange kitchen.

Oscar and Charlie are teaching me about football. They are really keen and know all the uk and European teams and players. I’m still at preschool level but happy to learn. It’s book week and instead of dressing up they came home with new books to read. Somehow Elijah has a spy kit so we have been trying to write in code (not very successfully as he hasn’t quite got the idea). It isn’t a book but has instructions so I guess that works.

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