All change
I am always excited to watch a change in occupation happen. This space was occupied by the Chequers pub when I was growing up. It was then a branch of Barclays bank for many years. Today there was a lot of scaffolding. It will be interesting to watch it evolve and as most of my trips into Maldon mean passing it, I get a front row seat.
Definitely more interesting than my front row seat for my health and safety refresher training. Parts of it were OK and, I don't think had been covered in previous training but some of the content, like the video on washing your hands, felt a bit unnecessary to me but reflecting on it some more, I am less critical and think that my negative responses were fuelled by my frustration over the sheer volume of mandated training that I've been asked to complete in the busiest month of my work calendar.
I managed only a ten minute walk away from my screen at around 3. It was a beautiful day.
More frustration at a colleague who had done nothing on a piece of work they said they would pick up. Tried to be kind about it but I value reliability and it has definitely altered my perception of them. Interesting self reflection though.
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