
By davidc

Abstract Thursday

It's ages since I did an abstract using John Gravett's twirl technique (see here) in Photoshop, so as today there's no special theme I thought I'd do one. (Many thanks to Ingeborg of course as AT host - and also to John for his excellent video.)

This started off as a photograph of the sky towards sunset - before subjecting it to John's technique the only thing I did was to boost the saturation (see the extra). On this occasion, during the twirl process, when choosing the blending mode to use between the 2 layers I used "multiply" which gave the effect I liked best. It makes me think of Arabian Nights but I'm not quite sure why!

Also: Just a reminder that this month's hosted Silly Saturday challenge, in memory of Admirer, was postponed from last weekend to this coming weekend (Saturday 8th) to avoid the clash with Joe Tree Day.
My Editor and I will be hosting, so please give us a good laugh and post something silly, weird, daft or just plain stupid on Saturday. The tags are SilSMar2025 and/or SilS440.

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