Such a lovely day today. We had decided we would go out today and do just a gentle walk due to Hubby's foot and my health. The day dawned bright and blue so we got up a bit early and went up the M6 to Pooley Bridge.
I haven't been there for such a long time. It was where we spent our honeymoon 50 years ago this August. We never knew then that we would be living in the area!!!
Anyway on the way up through the Howgills I saw this face and to me it looked like a dog, but of course could be one of the sleeping elephants The Howgills are famous for. Look in the collage in extra, top left, see if you agree.
We arrived just after 10 and it was fairly quiet, although the car park by the river seemed quite full, but we chose the one on the other side of the bridge.
First of all went into Granny Dowbekins for coffee and tea-cake. It has changed hands since were last there and it has been renovated somewhat. The music a little loud for my taste but that was all. The waitresses were very attentive and pleasant and the coffee and tea-cake were good.
After that we went for a gentle walk along the side of Ullswater, not far, just for about 45 minutes before turning back. Hubby's foot is a bit painful and we didn't want to risk anything. Nothing wrong, just a bit tender so putting on plenty of cream and taking it steady. He would plough on of course but I can tell when it's time to return.
It was so lovely. A lot of people getting on the ferry but only met a few on our walk and all very pleasant. The sky was so blue but there was a distinct haze, weird really, its the sort of haze you'd expect to see after having had several days on sunshine, probably polution though!!!
After that we drove along the side of the lake enjoying the views and went into The Orangery at Inn on the Lake for some lunch. We were going into The Rambler's Bar and Candle Room but that is closed as they are renovating it. There were signs that renovation was going on in the hotel too but it didn't disturb anyone.
Had a very pleasant luch overlooking the lake the photos bottom right when a couple of jets few overhead. I just managed to get one very quickly. So annoying because two minutes later and I would have been outside and able to get a clearer shot, insead I had to take it through the patio doors. After that I had a wander around the grounds (hubby declined, another sign that his foot was playing up a bit, but he will never admit it) when I saw the two loving swans. I heard the jets again, so I stood on the end of the jetty poised and ready but they didn't appear. I went back to the car and literally just as I stepped out of the hotel there were the jets, apparently even lower this time as Hubby got a grand few of them and I couldn't see them at all!!!
Oh well never mind, still had a lovely day out. Decided to head back via the Kirkstone Pass, however just after passed the Brothers Water car park there was a sign lit up saying Accident Ahead - we had no way of knowing how recent that was so we turned round went back to Pooley Bridge again, down the A6 to Shap where we re-joined the Mt. Arrived home about 3.00 pm. Such a lovely day.
That's all from me for now, do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.
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