World Book Day
It couldn’t be anything else when S (Wilsden Walker) arrived for our early walk in her annual Where’s Wally outfit. Had to have a picture (extra). What a difference a couple of weeks make. I’ve missed a couple of walks but the ascent to the St Ives estate at 7.00 am was definitely in daylight today, not just that but bright sunshine!
As we walked back through the village we saw lots of children crossing to school in their costumes, definitely some Harry Potters. There was another adult Where’s Wally too.
Checked my phone once home and there were pictures from Bath. Eda has chosen to go as ‘Wildsmith’ a girl who looks after wild animals and can speak with them. This would be Eda’s dream short of being an animal herself. She’s taken a selection of her many wild animals to school with her.
Jude isn’t at nursery/preschool on Thursday but she was a bit jealous of Eda’s attention. She first decided she was going to be a cleaner! Then the most beautiful Princess ever, so much so that Granny wouldn't recognise her (extra)! By the time she’s at school next year she might have a better idea of what World Book Day is about. ( She later became Super Woman!)
Had to go into Leeds after breakfast, quite hot, there were even people in shirts and T shirts. I came back on the Morecambe train. I was tempted to stay on and have a day at the seaside but it was going very slowly. At one point it was announced that the train doesn’t stop in Saltaire but we are stopped in Saltaire! Something ahead on the line going very slowly apparently.
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