A Concrete Sunset
I was still so angry today about yesterday's events at the White House and how it is being reported - it was NOT a 'row' it was an ambush. There has been far too much soft soaping in certain sections of the mainstream media, sadly including the BBC (with no mention of the gathering protests against Trump nor a single interview that I can recall with a senior Democrat politician since he came back into power), as they fail to call out the utterly odious Trump and his disgustingly sycophantic sidekick JD Vance (who lets not forget only a few short years ago compared Trump to Hitler) for what they are. I thought Zelensky conducted himself with quiet authority, dignity and upmost restraint under enormous pressure - and yet he is the one being coerced into making concessions to two would-be dictators in Trump and Putin who want to effectively destroy his country and then carve it up between them for its valuable natural resources.
In the end I just had to get out to clear my head and my brother came with me on another local photographic safari just as the light was beginning to fade. This is not exactly a typical picture postcard sunset but I just decided to go with something with a bit more urban grit!
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