Visiting the Lemurs
We went back to Fife Zoo to see the lemurs. This time for L's sister L's 70th birthday. There has been a falling out amongst the group, with one of the ten not playing nice. They have ended up separating them into two groups - six and ten - in preparation to the smaller group being moved elsewhere. They will replace them with four new lemurs, two each of two different species and they hope they should all get on. The four moving away are going to end up bottom of the pecking order in their new home. Apparently lemurs form matriarchal groups and in the wild when the young males get older they move on to join a different group so this is just replicating that. The Fife Zoo is part of a Europe wide breeding programme which keeps an eye on total numbers and genetic history of the population in captivity. After the zoo we went on to Loch Leven's Larder for lunch. All in all a great way to celebrate L's birthday.
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