
By Greenstead

Wednesday events

Four events today. First from the Kirkcudbright Poetry Group (sadly no longer in existence). This group has only recently stopped due to reduced numbers, but still has a wealth of work. An interesting session. After lunch we were entertained by the Stewartry Writers and Friends with the results of their project around the Silver Casket of letters by Mary Queen of Scots. My third event was from Alan Temperley, giving us an amazing insight into the lives of children during the war years. He also talked about some amazing children’s books he has written.
My final event was a talk by Aline Temperton who has been writing for over 50 years. She has a number of detective novels under her belt and amongst other things talked about the difficulties experienced by writers when police authorities reorganise, something that had never occurred to me. The venue was dreadful, but the talk was interesting.

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