Sunny but with the stiff breeze still cool. Our grandparent duties were not required until mid-afternoon so we headed off to Carnforth.
For all the years now we’ve been coming to the Lancaster area, I have wanted to visit Carnforth Station. Trains still pass through - some at very high speed - but it is perhaps best known as the location where Sir David Lean filmed Brief Encounter which came out in 1945. I wanted in particular to see the clock which famously featured as minutes ticked by to the soaring soundtrack of Rachmaninov.
I was therefore disappointed to not have an encounter with the clock. Apparently a dispute over ownership and the trust running the heritage centre has meant the clock has been away (initially for repairs) for several years.
Nevertheless the centre is a fascinating display both about the film and David Lean in which you are reminded of the great films he produced.
It is a strange set up with the heritage centre in the middle of an operating railway station. But it works very well. It has an excellent cafe and enthusiastic volunteers. Plans are underway to remodel the exhibitions which have an extensive array of posters and memorabilia. The entrance fee of £2.50 is well worth it.
Back to the flat and then our encounter with our grandson which led to balance bike rides on the prom and innumerable goes on the slides. Just as we were leaving I saw a small drone being operated on the prom. Another encounter.
Day rounded off with the desperately depressing news.
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