Misty morning
Well today started with almost a blanket of fog. I thought it was beginning to brighten and quickly left the house to visit the beach. It was very grey though and you couldn't see much so I decided to go on to Woodbury Castle. As I set off it was beginning to brighten up but then the mist came in enveloping everything. I managed to take this shot with a few shafts of light from the sun but it quickly disappeared behind the clouds. I had a quick walk around taking a few misty shots and then returned home. I was back by 9am and it was still misty although a little brighter.
The sun did eventually break through but there was still a hazy light. We decided to visit Bicton Park and enjoyed a walk around the gardens although there is still a lot not our yet. The camellias are beginning to bloom along with daffodils, primroses and crocuses.
Late afternoon the fog reappeared and stayed throughout the evening as I drove to the camera club.
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