My girls
Ash Wednesday today and despite yesterday's promises I failed to make pancakes. I slept from 9pm through to 5am and was then wide awake. What that did mean though, was that I was able to feel awake enough to go to our Ash Wednesday Service where I was very warmly welcomed back.
Today I saw the little girls, both in lovely form.
They came over after Bonnie's afternoon nap. She's growing up so quickly. She's pulling herself to stand by herself and spends time standing with support and looking at the world around her all the while smiling happily and chatting to herself. She's saying mummy and daddy and her own version of Josie.
Josie herself was in sparkling form too. We read several stories and she took great pleasure in telling me that it was time to play mummies and daddies and I could be the big sister! She'd found a brown skinned doll which used to belong to her mum which she hadn't seen before and told me I'd brought it back from India - I was impressed at her awareness. She loved the mini bananas I'd brought back with me too.
We had lunch in the lounge, not usually allowed - as you can see Bonnie is getting very good at feeding herself with her spoon . She's self feeding too, but that can be a more messy experience so mum helped out .
I've spent the day alternating between wide awake and ready to drop, let's see what tonight's sleep pattern is. It is good to be back though
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