
By iaint

Decision Time

I enjoyed one of my rare trips to Holyrood today. It is very different on a Wednesday compared to the Mondays when I was there last year. 

It is busy on Wednesdays. The MSPs are there. Their staffers too. Committees meet. The Chamber debates. TV people interview. 

I had a meeting there about Something with lovely folks from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds. I had a visit to Edinburgh University's Law Library about Something Else. 

In between times I tried to find a laptop which would allow me to log on. By the time I did, it was too late to do anything with what I found. 

The pleasures of being a jobsworth....

The day would not have been complete without a wander over to the Mosque Kitchen for something nice to eat before the bus trip home. A pleasure as always. 

The Blip is the deserted 5th Floor just as I was about to leave. All the MSPs had disappeared to the Chamber to vote on the day's business. 

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