
By rat

Not my choice of colours

I'm trying to reduce the amount of wool I have stored. I inherited a lot of fine pure wool from my m-in-law (a good number of years ago) and found a blanket pattern so I just went with what was available. Only the blue was mine and it's slightly thincker but that doesn't matter.
I spent half the morning battling with more online forms, this time to do the pension automatic enrollment, and, despite some phone calls and online chats I'm still not there.
Some of it was easy but then there would be a bit I didn't know what it meant and there was no explanation. Some of the answers I got told me to click on things that weren't there, grrh! I have made some progress with this bit but will be so glad when it's all up and running! Maybe this time next year?!!
I did go out to the friend's who's moving house and we sorted out a few things and this evening the running group did some hill reps and then had a meeting. The meetings are always relaxed and a good antidote to online officialdom (it doesn't suprise me some organisations don't do things properly, it's so complicated and not always explanatory).
I had my tea made for me.

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