
By earthdreamer


I was under orders (from Forrest) not to run the Ilkley Moor Fell Race this year - too close to the marathon. I looked on enviously, as if a party was going on to which I hadn't been invited. It was strange to be watching rather than competing, even stranger to see the runners I'm usually with go past and observe how slow they were! That would have been me, I thought, before immediately deciding not to dwell on the image. Internally, I run as hard as I've always run and that effort makes me feel as if I've not reduced my pace much at all.

Forrest is as hard on himself as I used to be. He had a decent run without any real fell climbing in his legs. He's as quick as anyone coming down. His fastest time yet, by a few seconds, in 45.03, but still 4 and a bit minutes to find to beat my PB. Had to get that one in. I was a beast in the day!

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