
By spannarama

Morning in Ilfracombe

...Evening in London.

I helped out at the Cairn this morning.  Ended up attempting to repair the wall we'd built last summer, on my own.  I have zero experience, but I quite enjoyed myself, and think I did a pretty good job.  Not sharing a photo here, as to be honest it looks a hot mess, but I did repair the damage, and it was a whole lot less crumbly and wobbly by the time I'd finished - if a bit lumpy!

Anyway, it was a beautiful morning, and although I ended working on my own, we had a good load of chat beforehand.  I had to leave earlier than the others (hence ending up with a job on my own), to get home and pack.  Tim then drove me to Barnstaple for the 2pm train to London.  I arrived at my hotel in Dalston around 7:30pm - checked in, had a quick freshen up, then went straight back out to meet Char for dinner.  We went to a nice Turkish restaurant called Stone Cave, and had a delicious dinner and a nice catch up (and not too late a night, thankfully).

Definitely a day of two halves!

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