Life through the lens...

By ValC

Gool Peran Lowen

A Happy St Piran’s Day to all Cornish blippers.
A WhatsApp greeting along with photo of the Cornish flag was sent to me by my cousin who like me is part Cornish.

6.30am we had the most glorious sunrise.
( thank you MrC for waking me!)
By the time I had been downstairs for my camera, the colours had muted slightly but still managed this photo. Thought it suited the theme of colour for wide Wednesday.

Hair cut this morning, then a walk to the pond. 4 Canada geese and only 8 mallards. Still the 2 moorhens.
They weren’t bothered about my food. Must be well fed by everyone.
We called at the farm on the way back and fortunately there were plenty of eggs.

It has been a lovely day although still a sneaky wind.

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