Mocker Swallowtail (Papilio Dardanus)
Today I had an appointment with a paintbrush at the butterfly house. Since I was away at the weekend, a couple of us quite often go in during the week.
We spent ages sanding our display boards before painting them but it didn’t make much difference as the paint seemed to still blister in places as it dried. I think we need to get an electric sander to do a better job.
Anyway, the excitement for today was finding not one, but two mocker swallowtails in the Butterfly House. We had some pupae left over from last year that we’d left in the pupae box and the sunny weather must have encouraged them to emerge. Not a great shot but it didn’t stay on her hand for long and I wasn’t expecting it. Can’t wait to open the butterfly house again in May. Still lots to do before then though.
I did a bit more sorting out of overwintered plants in my own greenhouse this afternoon, but I’m most definitely ready for a rest now.
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